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  Sandhills MOAA : Never Stop Serving Sandhills MOAA : Never Stop Serving

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President's Update
Chapter President Col Walter Havenstein, Sr., USMC (Ret)
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President's Update

22 January 2025

Greetings once again! As we enter the new years it’s time for an update on recent happenings in our Chapter and plans for the coming months.

Let me start by thanking our Chapter Board Members for their continued work and support. This past year we’ve continued our mission to “Never Stop Serving” by supporting Moore County Veterans and providing scholarships to local JROTC Cadets. We held another successful Veterans Putting Challenge in memory of Ralph Jacobson in November and are gearing up for another year of serving others. Please refer to our chapter website ( www.sandhillsmoaa.org ) for the most current information regarding events and activities as well as items of interest to MOAA members.

Please welcome Diana DiStefano and Alan McKinnon to the Board of Directors. Diana is a returning board member. I’m pleased to announce that Mike Hutson has stepped up to serve as Secretary of the board for this year. Thank you.

Annual Dues

Membership fees are due by the end of February. Please use the membership form at our website to update your current information and send your dues of $25 for the year or $110 for five(5) years to PO Box 4205 Pinehurst, NC 28374. If you have any questions about your status don’t hesitate to contact me at (603)320-0375/ whavensteinsr@gmail.com or Mike Hutson at (256)684-5142/ bco229th@gmail.com .

January Luncheon

We kicked off the new year with a members luncheon on Tuesday, January 21st at the Olive Garden in Southern Pines. Our guest speaker was Chris Weber , the new owner and proprietor of veteran-owned Railhouse Brewery of Aberdeen.

Walt Havenstein

President Sandhills MOAA

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Posted 02/17/24 13:07 by Sandhills MOAA Under Index Permalink 1708175222