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Sandhills MOAA

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August 2024 Message from the President  

August 2024 Message from the President
Chapter President Col Walter Havenstein, Jr., USMC (Ret)

Greetings once again! As we begin to end our Summer season it’s time for an update on recent happenings in our Chapter and plans for the coming months.

Let me start by thanking our Chapter Board Members for their continued work and support. The summer months are typically slow for the Chapter but we’ve continued our mission of serving the veteran community and planning for the upcoming fall activities. I encourage all members to take a look at our website to learn of upcoming events and announcements. There are several events I want to bring to your attention. A list of events is included at the end of this update.

First, I encourage all of to join us at the 12 September membership luncheon at the Pinecrest Inn. The luncheon will feature Towanna Dixon, Director of Moore County Board of Elections. With elections in full swing, she will brief us on how her office administers elections the role of volunteers, and voter qualifications and registration procedures. Surely an area of interest to our members and all citizens of the county. Details of the event are on our website and you should be receiving an invitation from Ramsey Blanks, Chapter VP for Programs.

Next, once again we’ll be sponsoring a booth at the Holly Arts and Crafts Festival in Pinehurst Village. The event is scheduled for 19 October and I ask your help in manning the booth. This is a part of our outreach initiative to solicit new members and support the veteran community through our Wreaths Across America project. Anyone interest in volunteering to assist is asked to contact me at president@sandhillsmoaa.org. In any case please stop the booth and say hello.

Don Goss is planning the 2024 Veterans Day program. Look to our website for future details of that 11 November event.

Finally, I bring to your attention our 3rd Annual Ralph Jacobson Memorial Putting Challenge. The event will be held at the Pinehurst Country Club on 7 November. The event will begin at noon and include lunch and a putting competition. All chapter members and veterans are invited to attend and volunteers are needed for registration. Once again we have received the financial support from Mrs. Ralph Jacobson (Evelyn). Thus there is no cost to participate but we are soliciting sponsors. I’ve included a Participant Registration Form and a Sponsor Request Letter. If you know of any potential participants (veterans) or sponsors please let me know or feel free to contact them directly. I’m always available to answer any questions. As a reminder all of the proceeds from the VPC go to the Veterans Support Fund (VSF).

With regard to the VSF, we were delighted to receive a $8,500 contribution from the Pinewild Men’s Golf Association. This represents the proceeds from the PMGA's annual Armed Forces Cup event at Pinewild Country Club. I’ve included a copy of the press release of the donation which includes a list of the very generous sponsors. In addition to the support requests I reported in May, your board has approved assistance to three additional veterans attending Sandhills Community College. Thanks again to Nick Christopher and his ongoing liaison with the college.

Our Chapter continues to maintain healthy balances in all of our accounts; Operations, VSF, and the JROTC Scholarship Fund. We are in the process of providing the funds for all of the 2024 JROTC Scholarship recipients and expect to complete that process by the end of this month. A shoutout to Bill Taylor and his ongoing administration of our Chapter finances. A financial update will be presented at the 12 September Luncheon. I will also update members as to board approved changes to our JROTC Scholarship Program beginning in 2025.

We will be reaching out for board candidates this summer. So if you have an interest in serving on the board please let me or any member of the board know. Please contact me at president@sandhillsmoaa.org .


Walt Havenstein, Chapter President

Items of Interest:

 General Membership: 89, with 5 Active Duty and 9 Surviving Spouse

Calendar of Events:

 12 September Member Luncheon, location Pinecrest Inn

 19 Holly Arts Festival Membership Drive, Pinehurst Village

 25-26 October Festival D’Avion, Moore County Airport

 7 November- 3rd Annual Ralph Jacobson Memorial Putting Challenge, Pinehurst

Country Club

 11 November- Veterans Day Ceremony, location TBD

 19 November- Annual Meeting /Luncheon, Pinecrest Inn

 10 December- Holiday Luncheon, location Pinecrest Inn

 14 December-Wreaths Across America at Spring Lake State Veterans Cemetery

Officers for 2024:

 President: Walt Havenstein

 1st Vice President: Ramsey Blanks

 2nd Vice President: Don Goss

 Secretary: Vacant, Walt Havenstein, Acting

 Treasurer: Bill Taylor

 Board Members: Nick Christopher, Bill Colmer, Robyn Dadig, Drew Croucher, Mike Hutson, and Iggi Husar

02/17/24 13:07/ Sandhills MOAA/ Index/