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  Sandhills MOAA : Never Stop Serving About Us : Sandhills MOAA

Details about us and the site.

About Us About the organization

Federal Charter. Military Officers Association of America is a nonprofit organization that meets the requirements for a veterans service organization under section 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and is organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, is a federally chartered corporation.

The purposes of the corporation are as provided in its bylaws and articles of incorporation and include—

(1) to inculcate and stimulate love of the United States and the flag;

(2) to defend the honor, integrity, and supremacy of the Constitution of the United States and the United States Government;

(3) to advocate military forces adequate to the defense of the United States;

(4) to foster the integrity and prestige of the Armed Forces;

(5) to foster fraternal relations between all branches of the various Armed Forces from which members are drawn;

(6) to further the education of children of members of the Armed Forces;

(7) to aid members of the Armed Forces and their family members and survivors in every proper and legitimate manner;

(8) to present and support legislative proposals that provide for the fair and equitable treatment of members of the Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves, military retirees, family members, survivors, and veterans; and

(9) to encourage recruitment and appointment in the Armed Forces.

Governing Body

(a) Board of Directors. The composition of the board of directors of the corporation, and the responsibilities of the board, are as provided in the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the corporation.

(b) Officers. The positions of officers of the corporation, and the election of the officers, are as provided in the articles of incorporation and bylaws.

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Our Mission

Our Sandhills Chapter of MOAA is primarily a member service organization. Through the volunteer efforts of our members and their financial contributions our mission is to:

  • Foster comradeship among our members by providing interesting, enriching, and informative events and activities.
  • Support veterans, especially those veterans in need, and team with other organizations with whom we have common interests in supporting veterans.
  • Provide services for members and their dependents and survivors in time of need.
  • Serve the community by planning and hosting the annual Memorial Day service and Veterans Day ceremony and awarding scholarships to deserving high school seniors.
  • Protect the rights and interests of personnel of the Uniformed Services and their dependents and survivors
  • Promote the purposes and objectives of the Military Officers Association of America.

The Sandhills Chapter and National MOAA are nonpartisan organizations.

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Our Activities

General Information

All of our activities and events are held in the Pinehurst – Southern Pines area. Our luncheons and evening dinners are generally held on the third Tuesday of each month at a local club and require an RSVP. We welcome all National MOAA members to attend our activities as a guest.

Our Chapter publishes a monthly e-newsletter regarding upcoming events, key legislative issues, other items of interest, and changes in our membership. We also annually publish a directory of all members with email addresses, and phone numbers.

We hope you consider joining the Sandhills MOAA Chapter and reestablishing ties with your military experience and your fellow comrades-in-arms.

Social Events

The activities of our Chapter include several luncheons and two evening dinner throughout the year. At each function we have a well known and knowledgeable speaker who focuses on a subject related to contemporary military issues, military history, or local issues relevant to MOAA members. Spouses and guests are always welcome to all our events. In addition, we sponsor the community’s annual Memorial Day Service and Veterans Day Ceremony.

Community Service Activities:

  • Maintain a local network to facilitate job searches for local veterans.
  • Focus on established and emerging activities that benefit Moore County veterans in need.
  • Raise money to fund scholarships that are awarded to the outstanding JROTC cadet at each of 8 regional high schools.
  • Support the Fisher House at Fort Bragg and the USO of North Carolina with annual donations.

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Our Officers & Directors

If you would like to reach our leadership team or specific program, you can use the following email addresses:

President / Chapter Management – President@sandhillsmoaa.org

1st Vice President / Luncheons and Dinners – 1VP@sandhillsmoaa.org

2nd Vice President / Memorial and Veterans Day – 2VP@sandhillsmoaa.org

Secretary / Correspondence, Meeting Minutes and Membership Renewals – Secretary@sandhillsmoaa.org

Treasurer / Dues Payment and Financials – Treasurer@sandhillsmoaa.org

Veteran Support Fund – VSF@sandhillsmoaa.org

JROTC Scholarship – Scholarship@sandhillsmoaa.org

Publicity and Newsletter – info@sandhillsmoaa.org

Website and Social Media – info@sandhillsmoaa.org

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